Embarazo en adolescentes: resultados de una intervención en el nivel primario de salud
Embarazo en Adolescencia, Atención Primaria de SaludAbstract
An adolescence pregnancy program was applied in Valdi 'ia-Chile. between Sept 1988-May 1992, specially orientated to the adolescent needs and the pregnancy characteristics. The objective were to improve the pregnancy outcome in a group defined as o1 high biopsychosocial risk. and also to improve the results of the newborn biological indicators. A total of 184 adolescent younger than 17 years went into labour within this period. The follow up or this cohort during pregnancy and labour allowed to evaluate the effect the program had over the obstetric and perinatal outcomes. A low proportion of labours of _< 37 wrecks of gestational age and dystocial labours where amongst the most important findings, despite the high proportion of adolescents showing morbidity throughout pregnancy. On the other hand. the effect of the program on the biological characteristics of the newborn. coincide with the statement that the stronge st effect of such programs during pregnancy is observed in the infant, since it was found an average weight at birth higher than that reported by other experiences, with a low proportion of either premature or small babies in relation to the gestational age. The category good is the most efficient in the obstetric and perinatal outcomes.
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