Observed experience of a community organization and its potential inclusion in the therapeutic plan of primary health care


  • Felipe González Díaz Médico
  • María Constanza Jorquera Cancino




Primary Health Care, Community Participation


The health model in Chile has gone through different approaches according to the social and political context prevailing at the time, from the social security system in the 19th century to the current mixed health model, whose public offer proposes new strategies that enhance the work of Primary Health Care and its relationship in the communities with territorial relevance. However, it is also true that under the aegis of private health care, there has been an incentive to seek health care with effects as immediate as possible, ideally with sub-specialists, and in a bi-personal relationship, reaching a strategy more associated to the disease than to health itself. The following is the experience of a community health strategy observed in third person, which has been developed since 2011 in the Clara Estrella population of the Lo Espejo commune. Through self-management, neighbors have managed to open and maintain a center that has been providing artistic workshops for the community itself for more than 10 years, in a daily life that they describe as affective, safe and familiar. This strategy has been known by mental health professionals of the Family Health Center of the same sector, who have considered the attendance to this cultural space as a complementary element in the care plan of some users, looking for a better health in the collective well-being.


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How to Cite

González Díaz, F., & Jorquera Cancino, M. C. . (2023). Observed experience of a community organization and its potential inclusion in the therapeutic plan of primary health care. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 63(1), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.56116/cms.v63.n1.2023.1120