El problema de los accidentes en la ciudad de Santiago


  • Ernesto Medina L. Director. Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad de Chile
  • Ana M. Kaempffer R. Profesor Titular, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile
  • Edith Cornejo A. Profesor Asistente, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile
  • Enrique Hernández A. Jefe división de Bioestadística, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile


Accidentes, Santiago, Chile


An aleatory sample of 1.000 homes and 4.663 people from Santiago was studied in 3 opportunities through population surveys in 1993 and 1994. All health events perceived by the people during the fortnights previous to the surveys were registered. One hundred and twenty five accidents were noticed in 1993 (monthly rate of 26,8 for 1.000 people). The estimated annual probability to suffer an accident was 0,32. Burns, contusions, sprains and fractures were most frequent injuries. A 46% out of total accidents occur in homes ; 27% in streets and public places; l5% were labor accidents; 7,3% occur in schools and 5,6% were traffic accidents. Injury risk was similar in both sexes with highest rates in young adult men and old age women. Probability of accidents was significantly higher in very low economic level population. Only 2,4% of injuries need hospital admission. Two thirds of injuries had medical care given in half of cases by National Health Service Hospitals. Lack of medical care was explained in most cases by the perception of low severity of accidents. Problems in the medical care system accounts for 8,7% of injuries without medical care. Two thirds of people did not have personal payments for injury medical care. The remaining third should pay an average of $19.900 or US$ 47.


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How to Cite

Medina L., E. ., Kaempffer R., A. M. ., Cornejo A., E. ., & Hernández A., E. . (1994). El problema de los accidentes en la ciudad de Santiago. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 35(3), 3–8. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/1170



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