Experiencia de programa de climaterio en mujeres de 45 a 54 años en las comunas de Lolol (VI Región) y Chonchi (X Región) 1991-1993


  • Rafael Yáñez A. Médico General de Zona, Director Consultorio General Rural Chonchi. Chiloé
  • Claudia Carvajal P. Matrona. DEGIS. Consultorio General Rural Chonchi. Chiloé
  • Patricia Cárcamo
  • Carmen G. Garrido


Climaterio, Lolol, Chile


Gynecological cards of women entered the service programme of climacteric, are analyzed. 54 women between 45 and 54 years old, from Lolol heałth center of the same age. It is,donę in March 1993 and July 1994 receptively. It considered women up țo a year of entrance to each community in order to give value to the service programme and to contribute to the knowledge of the climacteric women. At the entrance of the programme, 5,5% and 2.2% of women from Lolol and Chonchi respectively knew the meaning of çlimateric. After a year of the programme, 93.5% of women from both communities know the word. At the entrance women from Lolol showed a degree of symptomatology related to climacteric, (SSC) 18.5% simple, moderate 42.6%, severe 38.9%, improving significantly in the group of women with one year of estrogentherapy with simple SSC 47.4%; moderate 44.7% and severe SSC 7,9% (similar figures were noticed in Chonchi). In Lolol, lipid levels in women with one year of estrogentherapy varied: Cholesterol decrease 1.9%, HDL increased in 18.2%; triglycerides decreased in 1.6%, LDL decreased in 9,1%, and the relation CHOL/HDL decreased in 14.5% , in relation to lipid figures of women at the entrance of the programme (from Chonchi the values were smaller). As conclusion, after a year of climateric programme, improved significantly their levels of knowledge and decresead ttheir fear in relation of climateric, menopause, symptomatology and treatment in women with and without estrogentherapy from the communities. It improved significantly the frequency of simple SSC and severe SSC in women from both community with estrongentherapy decreased in the same proportion, improved lipid levels and it was presented more adhesiveness to the programme in women with estrongentherapy.


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How to Cite

Yáñez A., R., Carvajal P., C. ., Cárcamo, P. ., & Garrido, C. G. . (1994). Experiencia de programa de climaterio en mujeres de 45 a 54 años en las comunas de Lolol (VI Región) y Chonchi (X Región) 1991-1993. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 35(3), 9–16. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/1171



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