Challenges for Low Complexity Hospitals. The case of the Llanquihue Hospital


  • Diego Alonso Figueroa Medico General de Zona. Director Hospital de Llanquihue



Healthcare system, Hospital, Local Development


The Chilean healthcare system is structured under an Integral Health Care Model, in which no clear role has been defined for Low Complexity Hospitals (HBC) have no defined role yet. In this work we made a review of the current regulations that determines the operation of these establishments is carried out. We present the case of Llanquihue Hospital as a model that allows to increase the complexity of capabilities without necessarily shifting towards a Median Complexity Hospital. This kind of development fosters the creation of microgrids inside each health service that ensures timely access to more complex services such as specialists and complementary exams regardless of the geographic location where the population lives. Defining the role of the HBCs is the responsibility of the network manager and developing it should be a function of the hospital communities directed by their director with a territorial perspective and favoring decision-making at the local level.



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How to Cite

Alonso Figueroa, D. (2023). Challenges for Low Complexity Hospitals. The case of the Llanquihue Hospital. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 63(2), 5–13.



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