Factores que inciden en la incorporación a tratamiento antialcohólico y mantención de la abstinencia en afiliados a instituciones rehabilitadoras


  • Edith Thomas R. Licenciada en Educación y en Salud Pública. Profesor Asistente Departamento de Salud Pública División de Ciencias Médicas Occidente, Facultad de Medicina-Universidad de Chile
  • Luis Alvarado M. Interno Carrera de Medicine. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Luis Aracena C. Interno Carrera de Medicine. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Sergio Ramírez E.c Interno Carrera de Medicine. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Aladino Rojas C. Interno Carrera de Medicine. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile


Alcoholism, Medical Care, Motivation


A survey was applied to describe characteristics, reasons and factors influencing admission, treatment adherence as well as changes detected after treatment in 54 alcoholic patients from three institutions. RESULTS: 76% (n=41) were older than 40 and 53.7 (n=2) had incomplete basic education and 63% (n=3) had an stable income while only 67% (n=36) had stable relationships with their partners. Alcoholic intake began early in life: 35% before 16 years and 70% before 21 years shile inveterate intake (70%) was the predominant type. 52% initiated last treatment with previous intake longer than 20 years. 50% began treatment at 40 years of age or older. Main reasons for treatment were family problems (76%) and poor self- image. As for treatment adherence family reasons and disease awareness (both 64.8%, n=35) were the predominant causes. All stated positive changes after therapy.


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How to Cite

Thomas R., E. ., Alvarado M., L., Aracena C., L. ., Ramírez E.c, S. ., & Rojas C., A. . (1993). Factores que inciden en la incorporación a tratamiento antialcohólico y mantención de la abstinencia en afiliados a instituciones rehabilitadoras. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 34(2-3), 56–62. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/1211



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