La colestasia intrahepática del embarazo. Atención según criterios de severidad vigentes


  • A.M. Kaempffer R. Jefe División Académica de Medicina Preventivo y Salud Materno lnfantil. Escuela de Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Renato Vargas S. Médico Cirujano
  • Luis Sepúlveda A. Médico Cirujano
  • Alejandro Quintana M. Médico Cirujano
  • Cosme Nocera I. Médico Cirujano
  • Miguel A. Cumsille Asesor estadístico. Docente Departamento Matemáticas y bioestadística. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile


Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, Neonatal Morbidity, Chile


The aim of this study was to analyze the current value of the criteria for severity of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (CIE) and its repercussions in the neonate. The study group of 209 cases corresponds to the total number of cases of CIE admitted to the Department of Pathological Pregnancy in a regional hospital in Santiago during 1987. In the cases of severe CIE (59.3%) early pruritus and the reatened premature labour were the most frequent criteria of severity. It was found that the more criteria of severity present, the worse the neonatal prognosis, based on a birth weight of less than 2500g and an apgar at one minute of less than 7. There were no maternal or perinatal deaths. We conclude that the criteria of severity are valid, and that there is adequate management of this condition, inferred by the absence of mortality and a reduction in the maternal and perinatal morbidity in relation to previous studies.


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How to Cite

Kaempffer R. , A. ., Vargas S., R. ., Sepúlveda A., L. ., Quintana M. , A. ., Nocera I., C. ., & Cumsille, M. A. . (1990). La colestasia intrahepática del embarazo. Atención según criterios de severidad vigentes. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 31(1), 13–18. Retrieved from



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