Medical ethics in times of crisis Structure and methodological keys for a searching process


  • Horacio Riquelme U. Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales. Colegio Médico de Chile A.G.



Medical Professional Ethics, Dictatorships in South America, Qualitative Research, Hermeneutic analysis, Doctors as protagonist practitioners.


Thise research focuses on the core of relations between the professional ethics of doctors and their everiy day life during the period civil-military governments in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

It documents studies on psychosocial harm in people during the “state of exception”, together with a chronicle of the medical management of conscious complicity or active opposition to violence as a repres- sive system and diachronic comparison with similar circumstances in Nazi Germany.

It compares methodologies and results in discursive ethics, bioethics, clinical ethics and their relation to human rights in Europe, the USA and South America.

Fifty interviews interviews with “Pro”, “Neutral” and “Opposition” doctors and their hermeneutic analysis are the results of the field research.

The main interest of the research was to address the intimate sphere of opinions and attitudes of doc- tors in the “limit existential situation” of state terrorism.


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How to Cite

Riquelme U., H. (2023). Medical ethics in times of crisis Structure and methodological keys for a searching process. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 63(2), 41–45.