Atención de Parto Distócico en el Hospital de Nueva Imperial (IX Región) (Análisis de 5 años: 1975 - 1979)


  • Eduardo Reyes V. Médico
  • Felipe Tiznado Q. Médico
  • Antonio Castellaro L. Médico
  • Pamela Oliva N. Médico
  • Maximiliano Rivera L. Médico
  • Lorenzo Rojas G. Médico
  • Claudio González Alumno de medicina de la U. de la Frontera - Temuco
  • Tulio pino Alumno de medicina de la U. de la Frontera - Temuco
  • Carlos Reyes V. Alumno de medicina de la U. de la Frontera - Temuco


Distocia Fetal, Distocia de Hombros, Atención de Salud


622 clinical charts of dystocial childbirths occurred between 1975 and 1979 at the Nueva Imperial Hospital are herewith analyzed. They represent the 220/ of all childbirth in that period. The following percentages were verified:
87.4% of dystocial childbirth were intervened by Cesarean, which represents 19.2% of all childbirths. 58% of women proceeded from rural sector. 82.5% had received prenatal controls. 67% were aged of 30 years. 52.7% have already had 3 childbirths. 61% of rural women have not had prenatal controls. The mean of prenatal controls was of 4.1 for those of urban sector and 3.7 for those coming from the rural sector. Cesarean interventions were suggested mainly by: pelvic toghtness, scar from a previous esarean and by acute fetal suffering. Forceps was applied most frequently for prolonged expelling period. 86,4% of newborns had an Apgar test between 8 and 10; 8,4% between 6 and 7, and 50/ between 1 and 5. A significative relation was found between pregnancy and mortinatality; early neonatal mortality and Apgar test. These percentages are higher than those for non-controlled pregnancies. There is no a significative relation between rurality, a low test of Apgar, the mortinatality and early neonatal mortality. Causes of maternal morbidity post-partum most frequently observed were: endometritis 9.3%; infection of the wound of fisiotomy 7.6%; puerperal anemia 2.7%; cephalalgia post-rachitic 2.6%. The average days of hospitable stage for cesarean childbirths reaches to 7,2 days, and of 6.4 days for those intervened by forceps.


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How to Cite

Reyes V., E. ., Tiznado Q., F. ., Castellaro L., A. ., Oliva N., P. ., Rivera L., M., Rojas G., L. ., González, C., pino, T. ., & Reyes V., C. (1983). Atención de Parto Distócico en el Hospital de Nueva Imperial (IX Región) (Análisis de 5 años: 1975 - 1979). Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 24(1), 39–46. Retrieved from



Atención Secundaria