El adolescente y sus principales motivos de consulta en una Unidad Especializada


  • Sylvia Guajardo Nuñez Enfermera de Adolescencia Centro Crecimiento y Desarrollo Hospital Roberto del Río
  • Rina Oñederra Díaz Terapeuta Ocupacional de Adolescencia Centro Crecimiento y Desarrollo Hospital Roberto del Río
  • María Eugenia Henríquez Canessa Médico en Beca de Formación en Adolescencia. Depto. Medicina Legal y Departamento de Pediatría Universidad de Chile
  • Karen Adaros Miranda Terapeuta Ocupacional de Adolescencia Centro Crecimiento y Desarrollo Hospital Roberto del Río


Adolescencia, Atención Primaria de Salud


This paper explains the causes originating consultations to the Adolescency Unity of Growing and Development dependent from the Roberto del Río" Hospital. The working universe of the Unity is constituted by adolescents belonging to the Metropolitan North Health Service submitted from schools and/or clinics of their domiciles. In order to facilitate the exposition, the motives of consultation were divided into the following areas: Intellectual, Emotional, Sexual and Social. In the analysis of each area, an outline of the normal psychological development of the adolescent is performed (to make clear the reasons of the consultation to the Unity) which is cause of confusion, that summed up to negative familiar or social inducements, disturbs his bio-psico-social equilibrium.


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How to Cite

Guajardo Nuñez, S. ., Oñederra Díaz, R. ., Henríquez Canessa, M. E., & Adaros Miranda, K. (1983). El adolescente y sus principales motivos de consulta en una Unidad Especializada. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 24(2), 55–59. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/1557