Evaluación del ajuste entre el modelo pondoestatural francés y el perfil del niño sano controlado en tres Áreas de Salud de la V Región
Salud Infantil, Perfiles de Peso, V Región, ChileAbstract
The profiles of weight and height of children aged from 0 to 5 years, the surveillance of health condition of whom corresponds to establishments of Health Service of Valparaíso, Viña del Mar and Quilpué (Fifth Region of our country, are evaluated to verify wether or not the French profiles of growing and development of Sempé, used as Patterns in Chile, give similar resultd. To this purpose, an election at random of an échantillon of 1.801 children of both sexes followed by their control from 1974 to 1978, was performed. On them the degree of statistical significance of the differences of the medians of both parameters (weight and height) at the level of the "age of reference", has been estimated. The results obtained allow to conclude that the growth of these children does not correspond neither to the "dynamics" nor to the "harmony" of French patterns.
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