Warm death and the dissemination of life: An ethnography on the process of organ donation and procurement


  • Fernanda Guzmán Santoro Antropóloga
  • Valeria Araneda Meckes Antropóloga




Organ donation, Organ transplant, Organ procurement, Brain death, Ethnography, Local procurement coordination, Donor families, Donation communication, Qualitative research


This article collects and analyzes some of the results of an ethnography carried out between 2022 and 2023 in Santiago, Chile. It explores the process of procurement and donation of organs and tissues based on the experiences of donor families and health personnel in charge of its coordination within hospitals. The investigation arises from a mandate by the Transplant Commission of the Medical College of Chile, with the purpose of investigating the perceptions and practices deployed in the interaction between the procurement coordination and the families of the donors, an interaction that begins with the diagnosis of brain death in a patient. Through ethnographic fieldwork, we deepen our understanding of the experiences of the people involved in this process, revealing crucial factors in the decision of whether or not to carry out organ donation for a loved one and, ultimately, seeking to foster a dialogue on how health teams can improve their approach to organ procurement.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Santoro, F., & Araneda Meckes, V. (2024). Warm death and the dissemination of life: An ethnography on the process of organ donation and procurement. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 64(2), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.56116/cms.v64.n2.2024.1984