Birth, development and death of the Bacteriological Institute of Chile


  • Walter Ledermann Dehnhardt Ex-Director del Instituto 1969/1972/1973. Centro de Estudios Humanistas Julio Prado.



Biological production, Rudolf Kraus, Eugenio Suárez, Bacteriological Institute of Chile


Founded in 1929 at the request of Eugenio Suárez and with Rudolf Kraus as Director, the Bacteriological Institute of Chile continued with the objectives of the Institute of Hygiene, training bacteriologists for research, the production of sera, vaccines and other biological products, as well a the control of their  manufacture and sale in the country. Kraus (1929-1932) and Suárez (1932-1961) emphasized the development of its production of biologicals, such as neoarsolan, penicillin, chloramphenicol, vitamin A, hormones, serums and vaccines,  including BCG, smallpox, anti-rabies, coqueluche, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, postponing the other functions. With the arrival of Mario Miranda (1969-1972) + and the United Nations Development Project, the formation of a national network of laboratories began. The lack of maintenance and replacement of equipment and training of adequate personnel worsened the losses in the production of biologicals and the military government put an end to it, focusing on the   network and expanding control functions, until taking the unavoidable step to the Institute of Public Health   of Chile in 1989.


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How to Cite

Ledermann Dehnhardt , W. (2024). Birth, development and death of the Bacteriological Institute of Chile. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 64(3), 57–67.



Especial 100 años de Salubridad en Chile
