Out-of-Pocket Spending on Medicines in Chile: Policies, Challenges and Reduction Strategies
Health spending, Out-of-pocket spending, Drug spendingAbstract
In Chile, out-of-pocket spending on medications remains one of the main financial burdens for households, especially the most vulnerable. Despite efforts such as promoting generic drugs and centralizing purchases, the high cost of medications continues to significantly impact families. The lack of effective price regulation allows these costs to remain high and out of reach for many, contributing to Chile having one of the highest out-of-pocket spending rates compared to other OECD countries. This situation highlights the urgent need to implement more robust policies to reduce the economic impact of medications, such as price regulation and improved insurance coverage, particularly for essential drugs. Adopting these strategies could alleviate the financial burden on families and improve equitable access to necessary treatments, moving towards a fairer and more accessible healthcare system for all Chileans.
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