The public health Budget: analytical framework for the debate on reform approach


  • Patricio Lagos Araya Consultor en Financiamiento Público y Gestión Financiera Pública en Salud en la OPS, ex asesor de la Dirección de Presupuestos y del Fondo Nacional de Salud y ex Jefe de Presupuestos e Inversiones del Ministerio de Salud. Docente y consultor de la Escuela de Salud Pública y en la FEN de la U. de Chile
  • Tania Morales Galarce Ingeniero Civil Industrial, con Master en Administración Pública de la LKY SPP (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy) NUS (National University of Singapore), ex Jefa Sector Salud de la Dirección de Presupuestos, consultora Banco Mundial en gestión financiera pública y presupuesto.



Budget, Public sector, Public spending, FONASA, Ministry of Health, Health financing


This article addresses the content of the political debate in the National Congress on the 2025 public sector budget bill, and particularly the one related to the Ministry of Health. For the proposal of an analytical framework that allows for data evidence on the evolution of expenditure and financing of the public health sector using public data sources on budget execution for the period 2014 - 2023 from both DIPRES and Fonasa Open Data. Based on this information, all the graphs and tables are the authors' own. Finally, I conclude with some of the lessons and findings that we do not see when we are present and that arise in the process of discussion and approval of the annual budget.


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How to Cite

Lagos Araya, P., & Morales Galarce, T. (2024). The public health Budget: analytical framework for the debate on reform approach. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 64(4), 21–32.