Migrant children in Chile. A proposal for a health care protocol


  • Rodrigo Vásquez-De Kartzow Pediatra Infectólogo. Profesor Asociado. Departamento de Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil. Campus Centro. Grupo de Trabajo Migración y Salud. Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Chile


Child, immigration and emigration, protocols, health, Chile


Background: Migration in Chile is a phenomenon that has increased in recent years reaching 4% of the country’s population in 2017, however, we are well below the average of the 35 OECD countries that reach 13%. 12% of immigrants in Chile correspond to a pediatric population under 18 years of age. Objective: to propose a health care protocol for international migrant children in Chile. Methodology: literature review and design of a health care intervention proposal for migrant children in Chile. Results: The insertion of the immigrant in our country is very complex with language barriers, customs, different ways of conceiving health and disease, access to health services, etc. Currently, the insertion of the immigrant in our country is very complex. Facing the attention of a new society made up of people of different ethnic groups, with different customs and health conditions is not an easy task. It means for the health team to acquire certain knowledge and preparation to provide adequate and quality care that contributes to making the insertion and adaptation of immigrants in this new land as least traumatic as possible. Conclusion: it is necessary to establish a health care protocol for the migrant child. The protocol is addressed to all immigrant children recently arrived in our country and who belong mainly to families with a low socioeconomic level.


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How to Cite

Vásquez-De Kartzow, R. . (2018). Migrant children in Chile. A proposal for a health care protocol. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 58(4), 27–31. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/326



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