The lie in politics and scientific evidence. Digressions for one (another) simulation in public health


  • Sebastián Villarroel González Médico Especialista en Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile. Mg. Gerencia Social, Universidad de la Frontera.



Lie, Politics, Scientific evidence, Public Health, Simulation


This text proposes a tour of the lie in politics and part of the recent scientific evidence, associating some narrative digressions that allow a test of other ways of thinking in public health. Under the idea of simula- tion, it is proposed to problematize some assumptions of the forms of organization of our health institutions, registered in a known political-economic regime, which can restrict and nullify capacities for action in public health, risking increasing their distance from the territories. and its health truths. As a provisional closure, at the end guiding questions are offered for new discussions in the field of health.


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How to Cite

Villarroel González, S. (2023). The lie in politics and scientific evidence. Digressions for one (another) simulation in public health. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 62(4), 19–27.