Health status of physicians and some of its determinants. Metropolitan region, Chile


  • Sylvia Santander Rigollet Médico Cirujano. Investigador adjunto de la Dirección de investigación Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Santiago
  • Jorge Sánchez Castellón Médico Cirujano. Servicio de Ultrasonografía del Hospital San José. Presidente del capítulo médico. Santiago
  • Luis Zapata Pérez Médico Cirujano. Hospital Barros Luco. Santiago
  • Sebastián Sánchez Santander Ingeniero Comercial. Universidad Gabriela Mistral. Santiago


health status of physicians, health survey of physicians, smoking, drinking, eating and physical exercise of physicians, health advice to physicians


This is the second chapter of a comprehensive survey of the personal and social characteristics of a sample of physicians practicing in Santiago. The subject addressed here is their health status and their main behavioral determinants. The main findings are: male physicians are overweight or obese in a very high proportion: 28,8 % show emotional symptoms, mainly of a depressive nature, and this is more frequent among women doctors (32,8 %); they smoke less than the general population and less than their co-workers, and among them, a higher proportion of women are daily smokers; very few are heavy drinkers; few have sufficient physical activity, women even less than men; many have disorderly eating habits and they tend to attribute this to overwork. In conclusion, the authors recommend educational measures and working conditions leading to a healthier way of life, particularly in terms of eating habits and physical exercise.


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How to Cite

Santander Rigollet, S. ., Sánchez Castellón, J., Zapata Pérez, L. ., & Sánchez Santander, S. (2010). Health status of physicians and some of its determinants. Metropolitan region, Chile. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 50(3), 220–234. Retrieved from



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