Frameworks and concepts in public health and health systems: developing a transdisciplinary perspective


  • Armando Arredondo López Investigador Titular, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Profesor Visitante en Estancia Sabática en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.


frameworks in public health, health systems, transdisciplinarity


The main objective of this paper is to contribute the promotion and development of the transdisciplinary perspective in public health and health systems. The article includes a review and critical reflexive analysis on different frameworks developed for the study of public health and health systems in all countries. It includes de following approaches: sanitary, biomedical, classical epidemiological, hygienist-preventive, ecologist, social epidemiological, historical-materialism sociomedical, and conservative sociomedical. For each one the review includes: perspective of analysis, hypothesis, labels, advantages, limits, era, representatives, and transdisciplinary potential. All proposals consider that the main objective of analysis to social protection on health and public health are the health diseases conditions and the way that each social group organize the resources in order to response their health needs.


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How to Cite

Arredondo López, A. . (2009). Frameworks and concepts in public health and health systems: developing a transdisciplinary perspective. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 49(1), 26–35. Retrieved from



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