Mortality from cardiovascular causes, from cancer and from injuries in Chile: a comparison with OECD countries and with South American nations


  • Carlos Montoya-Aguilar Profesor titular de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile. Asesor Departamento de Estudios Ministerio de Salud de Chile


Sud América, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, from cancer and from injuries, international comparison of health status indicators, Chile, OECD, South America


On the basis of the adjusted mortality rates published by WHO in 2008, we present the relative position of Chile in regard to three indicators of health status – mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer mortality and mortality from injuries – within two groups of countries: those of OECD and those in South America. Chile finds itself in a favourable position, with the sole exception of its mortality rate from injuries, which is higher than the median value for OECD member countries. The situation of all other countries is also analyzed. We suggest that governments advocate that WHO progressively returns to the task of providing easy and timely access to the detailed mortality statistics of such countries as have data of sufficient quality.


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How to Cite

Montoya-Aguilar, C. . (2009). Mortality from cardiovascular causes, from cancer and from injuries in Chile: a comparison with OECD countries and with South American nations. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 49(1), 61–67. Retrieved from



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