Medical error and malpractice. Medical responsibility


  • Carlos Valenzuela Yuraidini Médico-Cirujano, Doctor en Ciencias, Profesor Titular en Genética, Ética y Epistemología. Programa de Genética Humana, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas (ICBM), Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile


medical ethics, medical practice, non-medical errors, prudence, expertise, diligence


An epistemic-ethical analysis is performed to distinguish between medical errors with or without responsibility. A good medical praxis is performed with prudence, expertise, diligence, good-intention and integrity. Each one of these terms is defined as well as Lex Artis and medical intention. Sources of pre-medical errors are examined, such as the limitation of examinations and instruments, specificity, sensitivity, resolution limit, scale gradation, etc. The need for interpretation of laboratory results within their instrumental limits, their position within the population variability and genome-environmental condition of the patient is emphasized. Also errors may come from administration, information systems and from the patient. Medical mal-practice is defined as that made without prudence and expertise, with negligence, maliciousness or bad-conscience.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela Yuraidini, C. . (2009). Medical error and malpractice. Medical responsibility. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 49(3), 178–184. Retrieved from



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