Recent trends of mortality rates by geographical area, age, sex and broad groups of causes in Chile, 1999-2005


  • Carlos Montoya-Aguilar Profesor titular de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile


mortality, trends, geographical disparities, Gini coefficient, range, health monitoring


In the framework of monitoring communal health priorities and disparities in Chile, we present, for the country and for each of its 28 Health Services, the trends of the following mortality rates for the period 1999-2005: infant mortality, deaths of men and women of ages 20 to 44 years, deaths of men and women of 45 to 64 years, and deaths for some broad groups of causes at ages 20 to 64 years. We measure the between Health Services disparities of the rates for each year of the period, utilizing the Gini coefficient and the range of values. We measure the trends of the disparities for each rate. Findings: in this broad age group there was a descent of mortality in the country and in most of the Health Services. This was more pronounced in the case of mortality from respiratory diseases. There was also an important reduction in infant mortality. The disparities among Health Services were more evident for mortality from respiratory diseases, from external causes, from liver cirrhosis and from ill-defined causes. They increased for some rates and diminished for others. We suggest that these indicators be followed up on a regular annual basis and that the information be used as a guide for efforts to improve the trends in some Services and to reduce the inequities in some groups of causes.


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How to Cite

Montoya-Aguilar, C. . (2008). Recent trends of mortality rates by geographical area, age, sex and broad groups of causes in Chile, 1999-2005. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 48(1), 38–50. Retrieved from