Beginnings of the Convalescence mental hospital: first social answer to the alienation. Buenos Aires 1700-1854


  • Pablo Juan Parés Médico Psiquiatra y Médico Legista. Jefe de Sección del Hospital Psiquiátrico Braulio Moyano. Miembro docente del Departamento de Docencia e Investigación del Hospital Braulio Moyano. Profesor de la U.C.A (Universidad Católica Argentina) en cursos de post grado de Psiquiatría Forense, Criminología y Gestión en Salud Mental. Ex Profesor adjunto de Criminología del Instituto Universitario de la Policía Federal Argentina


Convalescence, alienation, mental heath


Looking forward at the beginnings of the XIX century, getting out of the colonial period and with few years as an Independent State, the sanitary was still an unsettled subject with lot of deficits. The quantities of Institutions were poor and under control of religious groups. The mental health was seen just as an attached part of something else but all the changes in the psychiatry were coming. At the Rivadavia’s government, the idea comes from, and during 1854 was founded “El Hospicio de la Convalecencia” (or women specialized mental institution) by the “Sociedad de Damas de la Beneficencia” (Ladies Charity Society) and the “Sociedad Filantrópica” (Philanthropic Society); at that times new treatments and solutions appeared and from now on the mental diseases would have an specialized place with different and permanents Doctor controls bringing a great social solution.


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How to Cite

Parés, P. J. . (2007). Beginnings of the Convalescence mental hospital: first social answer to the alienation. Buenos Aires 1700-1854. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 47(3), 200–208. Retrieved from