Renewable Non-Conventional Energy (RNCE). First Cuadernos Médico Sociales Colloquium


  • Enrique Paris Prosecretario, Colegio Médico de Chile A.G.
  • Carlos Montoya-Aguilar Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales
  • Andrei N. Tchernitchin Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales
  • Manuel Ipinza Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales
  • Rafael Ferrer Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales
  • Claudio Sepúlveda Editor Cuadernos Médico Sociales
  • Patricia Matus Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente CENMA
  • Carlos Naveas Vicerrector de Desarrollo, Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Julio Monreal Jefe, Departamento de Salud del Ambiente, Ministerio de Salud
  • Mauricio Moreno Presidente de Comisión de energías alternativas. Colegio de Ingenieros
  • Fernando García Ex presidente Colegio de Ingenieros
  • . Guido Guirardi-Briere Profesor de Pediatría, candidato a diputado
  • Christof Horn Gerente General, Christof Horn y Cía Ltda.
  • Patricio Herman Presidente ONG, Defendamos la Ciudad
  • Gilda Farías Profesora de Bioquímica, Universidad de Playa Ancha


Renewable non-conventional energy


The colloquium “Renewable non-conventional energy”, energies aimed at health, environment and economic development improvement, was organized by the Chilean Colegio Médico (Chilean Medical Association) and Cuadernos Médico Sociales, with participation of relevant specialists, physicians, public health professionals and engineers. The main objective was to think Chile from the energetic scope, with thinking for a long time period. The subjects analyzed in a multidisciplinary way were present and future problems related with energy generation in Chile and in the world, Renewable Non-Conventional Energy (RNCE) in Chile, present situation and possibilities and its relation with official energetic projects, political ideas and plans to favor the RNCE.


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How to Cite

Paris, E. ., Montoya-Aguilar, C. ., Tchernitchin, A. N. ., Ipinza, M. ., Ferrer, R. ., Sepúlveda, C., Matus, P. ., Naveas, . C. ., Monreal, J. ., Moreno, M., García, F. ., Guirardi-Briere, . G. ., Horn, C. ., Herman, . P. ., & Farías, G. . (2006). Renewable Non-Conventional Energy (RNCE). First Cuadernos Médico Sociales Colloquium. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 46(1), 44–65. Retrieved from