Evaluation of the Sexual Function of Women in Reproductive Age. Health Family Center Rahue Alto, Osorno


  • Estela Arcos G. Profesora Titular, Instituto de Enfermería Materna, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Irma Molina V. Profesora Asociada, Instituto de Estadísticas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Paulina Oelrich O. Estudiante Escuela de Obstetricia y Puericultura, Facultad de Medicina


Sexual function, women, gender


Sexuality is recognized as an integrating force of identity, which strengthens or produces such bonds as personal and social development generates when freedom from conflict and anxiety prevails. In Chile, sexual disfunction has been reported in around half of middle-age women. This led us to study sexual performance in women of reproductiva age registered in Rahue Health Center.. A study of descriptive cross-sectional character exploratory to 105 women with informed consent. The questionnaire Female Sexual Function (FSF) was applied to value the desire, excitation, lubrication, orgasmo, anticipatory anxiety and problems with the vaginal penetration during the last month. The 47.2% of 89 women, who responded all the questions, recognize a normal sexual function. The 52,8% presents sexual dysfunction by inhibition of sexual desire (42.8%). The results on relational aspects of the sexual activity showed that 50% of the women do not take the initiative and 29.2% never or rare time communicated to their pair that it likes or dislikes in its sexual encounter. The multiple correspondence analyses show that the sociodemographic variables and the sexual function present her typical behaviors. A typology is insinuated attending to the marital status and age with regard to the sexual function. To improve the sexual function, the sexual education and gender empowerment is essential for to understand the differences of the sexual behavior.


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How to Cite

Arcos G., E. ., Molina V., I. ., & Oelrich O., P. . (2006). Evaluation of the Sexual Function of Women in Reproductive Age. Health Family Center Rahue Alto, Osorno. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 46(4), 274–283. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/730



Salud Sexual y reproductiva