Infant Mortality in Mapuche People


  • Astrid Alarcón Villalobos Matrona encargada del Programa de la Mujer, Servicio de Salud Araucanía Sur. Docente de Salud Pública de la Universidad de la Frontera


Mortalidad Infantil, pueblos indígenas, Chile


In Cautín province (Chile), 1995-1999, evidence has been found regarding the existence of a higher rate of infant mortality among children belonging to the mapuche ethnic group in comparison with non-mapuche children. This difference appears to be due not only to the ethnic factor, but also to other factors, represented by the different levels of development of the communes in which the children live. Differences were also found between the two ethnic groups as regards the sex ratio of the deceased children and the schooling, age and parity of the mothers. Problems of definition of the ethnic groups are discussed, as well as the possibility of under registration of premature mapuche children. It is suggested that the results be considered in the social and health care planning of areas with ma- puche residents, as well as in the monitoring of health inequities.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Villalobos, A. (2004). Infant Mortality in Mapuche People. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 44(3), 179–188. Retrieved from