Los médicos en Chile hoy. Su desigual distribución territorial y por subsistemas de atención


  • Manuel Ipinza R. Secretario ejecutivo del Comité de Gestión de la Agencia Social de Salud del Ministerio de Salud y asesor de la Unidad de estudios, Documentación e Investigación del Colegio Médico de Chile
  • Alejandro Vial I. Profesional del Departamento de Estudios del Gabinete del Ministerio de Salud


Medical Demography, Health Care Human Resources


Chile had in the past a long tradition in monitoring the quantitative evolution of the number of physicians existing and working in the country, as well as their distribution by specialties, geographical areas and health care sub-systems. That tradition was due, on the one hand, to the obligation of the physicians of been registered in the Colegio Médico in order to be all ow to practice the profession, and on the other, to the competence and dedication of some Public Health specialists on the subject. This tradition was interrupted since the mid of the severities until the beginning of the nineties. This tradition is reasumed by the authors of this paper, in spite that today, to be registered in the Colegio Médico is not more legally compulsive, but in the practice almost all the Chilean and allien medical doctors are affiliated to it. The information presented shows big differences with the past. The number of physicians has increased consistently. The extension of the work journey is very large and the distribution of physicians by medical specialists. by geographical areas and by health care sub systems is very unequal.


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How to Cite

Ipinza R. , M. ., & Vial I., A. . (1999). Los médicos en Chile hoy. Su desigual distribución territorial y por subsistemas de atención. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 40(2), 15–24. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/888



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