Social Justice and Public Health: Multiple Forms of a Meeting


  • Diego Arturo Sarasti-VAnegas Sección de Pediatría Social, Departamento de Pediatría y Puericultura, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia, América del Sur.



Social Justice and Public Health, Social Justice in Health, Justice and Health


This essay analyzes diverse bases and developments of Social Justice and Public Health, as well as their relationship, in three areas: Public Policies, theory and practice of Public Health, and configuration processes of Health Systems reforms. The present and future of this relationship is explained, to a great extent, by the game between social actors and the arena configuration in which they interact, in which these actors have inherent relative positions among themselves. It is argued that Social Justice is still far from being a guide to Public Health, both in theory and in practice, since it is the interests of predominant actors that are expressed in these fields. In addition, a Social Justice is needed that places the human being, individual and collective, at the center and that guides Public Health in fulfillment its fundamental objective of contributing to improve population health conditions, through full development of human capacities, human rights defense, real implementation of citizenship and the deepening of democracy.


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How to Cite

Sarasti-VAnegas, D. A. (2024). Social Justice and Public Health: Multiple Forms of a Meeting. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 63(4), 5–12.



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