Ciclo de destinación: Instrumento de equidad en salud


  • Jorge Carabantes Cárcamo Médico. Jefe Departamento de Formación, Perfeccionamiento y Regulación. División de Recursos Humanos. Ministerio de Salud


Equidad /Análisis


Since the fiftieth Chile has manteined a physicians and dentists destination system, called Destination Cycle, which has permited to endow the public institutions of health with this type of professionals. Problems related to professional needs of the National Health Services System has induced to propose a new professionals destination law that “Created special norms for professionals who works on diurnal duyt in the Health Services”. Since 1985, the less amount of professionals perssonel was in 1990. In the next seven years was l40'7o. This increases included general practitioners and specialists. The paper presents the expected number of professionals with the new system. We have to emphasized the more compromise of the local health personnel and a closer identification between the professionals and the institutional needs.


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How to Cite

Carabantes Cárcamo, J. . (1998). Ciclo de destinación: Instrumento de equidad en salud. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 39(2), 18–26. Retrieved from



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