Consumo de tabaco entre estudiantes de enseñanza media. I. Descripción del hábito tabáquico y de factores asociados


  • Rubén Alvarado Médico -Psiquiatra Magíster en Salud Pública
  • Eric Román Médico. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Sandra Sayago Matrona. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Isabel Soto Matrona. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Rubén Pinto Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Educación, XII Región de Magallanes
  • Norma Horta Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Educación, XII Región de Magallanes


Tabaquismo, Consumo de Productos Derivados del Tabaco, Fumadores


The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics involved in the consume of tabacco in a group of young students, as well as the different variables considered relevant as explanative factors. It consists of a transversal study, where a self-administered survey is applied to all junior high school students in the Region of Magallanes (n=1,386). The results showed that 74.6% has smoken at least once in their lives. On a general level, males showed a stronger tendency to smoke than females, a fact specially notorious in the regular smokers group. Among the variables frecuently and significatively associated with smoking are: having thought about droppinp out of school, the existence of people nearby who smoke (specially friends, and in a smaller degree the mother), other risk-related conducts, some psychosocial factors (specially the number of vital events ocurred and the level of anxious-depressive symptomatology), beliefs about the potential danger caused by this habit, and the perception of self control over the smoking habit. A differential profile for males and females in found.


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How to Cite

Alvarado, R. ., Román, E. ., Sayago, S. ., Soto, I. ., Pinto, R. ., & Horta, N. . (1998). Consumo de tabaco entre estudiantes de enseñanza media. I. Descripción del hábito tabáquico y de factores asociados. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 39(3-4), 56–70. Retrieved from



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