MINSAL’S new challenge 100 years after its creation: the long-term care system for the elderly


  • Rafael Urriola Urbina Economista. Magister en Economía Pública y Planificación U. de Paris. Profesor Magister de Salud Pública U. de Valparaíso. Consejero Cenabast Ley 21.198. Presidente Asociación para la Promoción del Bienestar (APROB).




Aging, Dependent Elderly, Long Term Care, Long Term Care Insurance


This document aims to highlight the new challenges facing the Ministry of Health (Minsal) in the twenty-first century, especially those related to the concept of "health in all policies" that is expressed in the intersectorality of interventions trying to achieve greater efficiency. This strengthens the relationship between health activities and social security and is exemplified by the long-term care (LTC) system. The functions of the Minsal have developed incrementally in history.

The second part presents what should be a LTC system for older people (OP) in Chile: an important international literature review has been carried out to rescue solutions, especially financial, to assist people who need LTC. The challenge is far-reaching and some countries have had to postpone it or reduce targets.  

It is concluded that the care for OPs who need LTC is not only sanitary and requires coordination of various instances of the public and municipal systems to achieve greater efficiency for the well-being of the population. In addition, the resources required are far greater than what is currently available for LTCs.


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How to Cite

Urriola Urbina, R. (2024). MINSAL’S new challenge 100 years after its creation: the long-term care system for the elderly. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 64(3), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.56116/cms.v64.n3.2024.2067



Especial 100 años de Salubridad en Chile
