Contaminación de aguas de regadío, Ciudad de Salamanca - IV Región


  • Raúl Aguila M. Secretario Ejecutivo Comité de Colera-Provincia del Choapa
  • Jorge Zúñiga I. Médico Veterinario. Jefe Provincial Departamento Programa sobre el Ambiente. Provincia del Choapa
  • Marcelo Valdebenito V. Director Hospital de Salamanca
  • Fernando Díaz Sub-Director Hospital de Salamanca


Contamination of the irrigated water


A study made in the city of Salamanca, Choapa Province, Fourth Region, permit us to determine the grade of contamination of the irrigated water, coming from canals in the urban zones and depending on the low percentage of connection to the public network of sewerage. It was seen that 295 (two hundred and ninety five) houses equivalent to 19,58% keep the “latrines” on the canals, what implies that contamination of irrigated water depends on the fecula residuos finding “E. Coli” in a concentration 160 (one hundred and sixty) times bigger than the one which is permitted. We sugest as a solution to eliminate the “latrines” on the canals and a connection to the public network of the sewerage.


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Como Citar

Aguila M., R. ., Zúñiga I. , J. ., Valdebenito V. , M. ., & Díaz , F. . (1992). Contaminación de aguas de regadío, Ciudad de Salamanca - IV Región. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 33(4), 52–54. Recuperado de



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