Comprehensive Scholar Sexual Education Course, self learning on line to SCHOOL TEACHERS and Education assistants
Educación sexual, MOOC Profesores , Asistentes en Educación, Sexual education, teachers MOOC, teaching assistants MOOCAbstract
Introduction.- In 2018, UNESCO de ned Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) and recommended that it be used in teacher training programs.
Objective: Evaluation of the experience of a self-learning comprehensive sexual education school course for teachers and teaching assistants.
Method: Implementation of MOOC on CSE:, with registration on an OPEN platform that contains a digital book:, with the following tools: 17 chapters; 17 conferences with 213 questions; 14 videos/workshops with 76 questions; 17 sets of teaching slides; 7 radio programs written by their authors, and observation of 3 original course lms an 1chilean lm with an OSCAR on 2017.
Results: MOOC elected by 69 teachers and 27 teaching assistant professionals, 73% women and 27% men. 81% were between 30 and 50 years old. 78 people were from Chile and 16 from other countries in the region, and 2 from Spain. Evaluation of the Mastery of course objectives: Good and Excellent in 91,7%; in Content quality: Good and Excellent in 92%.
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