Employment, economic and academic situation, as a quality of life dimension of physicians at the metropolitan region


  • Sylvia Santander Rigollet Médico Cirujano. Universidad de Chile. Doctorante de 5º semestre del Doctorado en Educación UMCE. Magíster en Psicología de la adolescencia UDD. Investigador adjunto de la Dirección de investigación Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Jorge Sánchez Castellón Médico Cirujano, U.de Chile. Servicio de Ultrasonografía del Hospital San José. Presidente del capítulo médico del Hospital San José. Consejero Regional del consejo regional Santiago
  • Luis Zapata Pérez Médico Cirujano. USACH. Becado de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital Barros Luco
  • Sebastián Sánchez Santander Ingeniero Comercial. Universidad Gabriela Mistral


Physicians, quality of life, working conditions, gender and age disparities


Objectives: To describe the working conditions, economic and academic situation of a representative group of Chilean physicians in the Metropolitan Region. To examine the relationships between these characteristics on one hand, and sex and age, on the other. Methodology: Quantitative, cross sectional design. The variables were recorded by “EVALMED” instrument, which is an anonymous, self-applied instrument. An informed consent document was previously signed by the participants. The physicians who made up the sample were randomly selected from the database of the Regional Medical Council of Santiago. We arranged for 95% confidence and 5% error limits and for a response rate of 80%. Results: We studied 163 physicians (58.9% men and 41.1% women) of all age groups. There were significant sex and age differences in the various aspects of labor assessed, in particular in the type of employment contract, income, type of work, working hours, work perceptions and work environment. Women and physicians of both young and senior age groups were found to be at a disadvantage.




How to Cite

Santander Rigollet, S. ., Sánchez Castellón, J. ., Zapata Pérez, L. ., & Sánchez Santander, S. . (2010). Employment, economic and academic situation, as a quality of life dimension of physicians at the metropolitan region. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 50(1), 24–38. Retrieved from https://cuadernosms.cl/index.php/cms/article/view/531



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