Consumo de tabaco entre estudiantes de enseñanza media. II. Construcción de un modelo explicativo para el consumo


  • Rubén Alvarado Médico -Psiquiatra Magíster en Salud Pública
  • Eric Román Médico. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Sandra Sayago Matrona. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Isabel Soto Matrona. Departamento de Atención Integrada, Servicio de Salud Magallanes
  • Rubén Pinto Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Educación, XII Región de Magallanes
  • Norma Horta Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Educación, XII Región de Magallanes


Tabaquismo, Consumo de Productos Derivados del Tabaco, Fumadores


The purpose of this study is to construct an explanative model of the habit of tabacco-consuming. which considers gender differences and the different stages throughout the progression of the habit of smoking. This would give a chance to identify relevant factors for future prevention and therapeutic actions. The investigation consists of a transversal study where a self-administered survey is applied to all junior high school students in the Region of Magallanes (n= 1.386). Sociodemografic variables were inquired with relation to school, models in the tabacco habit, psychosocial dimensions, characteristics of consume and other risk-related conducts (alcohol and illegal drug abuse). Models were constructed, based on a multiple logistic regression analysis. Among the conclusions found, it is necessary to highlight the importance of considering gender differences, as well as the different stages during the progression of tabacco-consuming. Also, treating the adolescent who shows risk conducts in an integral manner, as well as the need to consider the peer group, the efficiency of messages centered on the damage produced by tabacco, and the importance of cognitive and emotional variables.


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How to Cite

Alvarado, R. ., Román, E. ., Sayago, S. ., Soto, I. ., Pinto, R. ., & Horta, N. . (1998). Consumo de tabaco entre estudiantes de enseñanza media. II. Construcción de un modelo explicativo para el consumo. Cuadernos Médico Sociales, 39(3-4), 71–82. Retrieved from



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